Sometimes called a Contractors License or Builders License, the official name in Massachusetts is the Construction Supervisors License (CSL).
The following hour(s) of continuing education topics are required:
Code Review four (4) hours (CS & CSFA) Two (2) hours (CSSL
Workplace Safety one (1) hour
Business Practices / Workers’ Compensation one (1) hour
Energy (except Demolition Specialty License) one (1) hour
Lead Safe Practices (only first renewal cycle) one (1) hour
The remainder credit hours are to be completed by approved electives - Elect
A qualifying licensee must provide proof of completion of required hours
of continuing education per two-year license cycle in the appropriate category in which the
licensee is licensed.
Construction Supervisors License 12 Hours of which Six (6) hours are Face to Face
Construction Supervisors License (One- and Two-Family Dwellings) 10 Hours
Construction Supervisors Specialty License 6 Hours
Exception. Building officials who are certified and in good standing in accordance with R7 are exempt from R5.4.
This workplace safety course focuses on the use of basic tools that many tradesmen handle on a daily basis. The training goal is two fold: 1) to make users aware of hazards currently encountered on a typical jobsite and 2) to emphasize and clarify the requirement for proper use and training.
The course begins with a detailed look at ladders. Types, ratings, material, usage, inspections, and training are discussed in detail. A ladder inspection form is provided to guide students to employ a JOB SITE SAFETY PROCEDURES MANUAL for their field use.
The second half of this course deals with commonly-used hand tools. Touching upon several categories ranging from non-powered, powered, pneumatic (nail guns), powder actuated and jacks. This section introduces the attendee to a wide range of topics dealing with hazard recognition, PPE requirements, basic safety tips and training.
During the ladder portion, there is an emphasis on the role of the competent person regarding safe procedures on the job site. This section is intended to illustrate and emphasize the job foreman’s personal obligations to those under his/her direction.
This program is designed to give builders and remodelers a vital, fundamental overview of project management with a focus on the two most important outcomes: profitability for the contractor and satisfaction by the customer. We will stress the crucial importance of those two concepts to a successful, sustainable business, and will walk through the key operations one must employ to achieve this success. From proper planning to having systems in place to manage the fixed and anticipated details, a smoothly-run, carefully planned project is a profitable one, and also should deliver on the expectations of the client. The course will give a summary of essential project management components, including preparation and estimating, production, administration, and client hand-off.
This two-hour program is designed to give builders, remodelers, painters, and other construction contractors a vital overview of lead and safe procedures to have in place when working in the presence of this poisonous material.
It will address:
1)The history of lead and how it affects us,
2) Safe work practices when lead is present,
3) Protecting oneself while working,
4) The concept of CCP: "Control, Clean, and Protect",
5) Dust Containment and
6) Cleaning your site and yourself.
Staying up to date, navigating, and understanding the code is of paramount importance to Construction Supervisor License holders. The "8th Edition" is now the code of record in Massachusetts. Did you know it’s made up of the 2009 International Residential Code and separate MA amendments? And what are the reference codes to be aware of? This class provides an overview of the current code format and ways to navigate the component pieces, and goes into the "Building Planning" sections of the 8th edition (Chapter 3), with an introduction to key code standards for various home elements, applicable to both new construction and remodeling projects.
This class will identify and explore the areas of a typical kitchen or bath project that today’s remodelers and builders must take into consideration regarding energy preservation/conservation, from design considerations to insulation and ducting. Material selections and installation practices are discussed, taking into account the various code regulations that might alter how you approach your project.
Addresses human resources considerations for building/remodeling firms. It will cover the employee relationship and important considerations when dealing with workers. The overview explains the importance of each of the considerations, procedures, and policies, and the downside—and risks—of not adequately addressing each. This will include the standard, expected components such as written policies, safety training, and job reviews. It will also cover the more complex and equally vital legal requirements, bookkeeping procedures, as well as the importance of defined job roles and accurate "time cards." The session also addresses workers comp insurance requirements, along with an explanation of employees, and when it is acceptable (and when not) to treat workers as independent contractors.